recycling cycle

Dry planed beam has a number of advantages:
- Smooth finished edges give a beautiful appearance to the product. The edges are tighter to each other when laying the walls.Material for caulking the gaps between the beams requires less, the walls retain heat better;
- Reduced moisture content. The planed beam after edge treatment is placed in the drying chamber.Subsequently, this material practically does not give shrinkage during the construction of the house;
- No defects, chips, cracks.Planed dry beam is made of high quality material. Therefore, it is used not only in the construction of walls, roofs, but also in the interior decoration.
Varieties of planed beam
The nuances of production subdivide the planed beam into several types:
- Planed beam without knots. This lumber costs more, but it is more stable in construction and operation.
- Planed beam with knots. It is cheaper in price and more suitable for use in areas where you do not want perfect aesthetics and durability.
For the construction of houses we use only high-quality and reliable beams without knots.
Also, planed beam can be divided by form, it comes in:
- Square shape;
- Rectangular shape.
Where is the planed beam used
Presented lumber has a wide scope of application, it is used to erect the frame for a variety of buildings: houses, baths, saunas, greenhouses, gazebos, etc.
Planed beam due to its versatility, environmental friendliness and appearance is also perfectly applicable in the decoration of the house.Columns and supports, railings and staircases – all elements made of this material look stylish and laconic.
Synegri Company offers dry planed beam of different sizes and lengths. It should be borne in mind that after drying, the wood loses moisture, and the beam 150×150 actually becomes smaller. This nuance must be taken into account when calculating the amount of material. The length of the beam can be from 3 to 6 meters. The width and thickness varies from 40 to 300 mm.
Planed beam can be purchased by calling the number listed in the contacts tab or by filling out a form for consultation.